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Opera 3, SE, XRL, CIS & Operations
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Opera 3, SE, XRL, CIS & Operations
immediate access to accredited Pegasus personnel
Opera 3, SE, XRL, CIS & Operations
immediate access to accredited Pegasus personnel
We provide training courses on Pegasus Opera 3, SE, CIS, Operations and Zahara Procurement software
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Intsys is a Business Software partner focussed on providing & supporting ERP and Cloud Solutions

Jessica Anderson
Ski Diary – Autumn 2016 update
I spent September getting physio, MRI scans and x-rays on my foot and managed to get an early appointment with a consultant. The MRI scan showed an 80% tear to my spring ligament which supports the arch. The consultant was surprised it had not caused my arch to fall but with physio and ultrasound managed to reduce the swelling down. We decided to avoid surgery and try and let nature repair the injury.

I should have been out training in Austria but the consultant recommended I get orthoses to support the arch from further damage and wanted me to leave it a little longer to heal the foot. Felt really down and frustrated as the snow conditions have been amazing in Europe but I know getting better was important and it gave me time to do some hours at MK to earn some money for the season.
I was delighted to win Daventry Young Sports Woman of the Year and very proud to have received a lovely trophy.

Had my review with the consultant who is amazed at the recovery and delighted with the orthoses, he has done a white paper on this type of injury which apparently is unusual and took photos and my MRI scan to use at a conference in January. He has let me travel out to Austria to continue with my training although will see how it goes before I start racing. I have another MRI booked in when I get back at Christmas and before I go back out on 30th December.
The week after I travelled out I was nominated for Northamptonshire Young Sports Woman of the Year. There was 400 people there however dad facetimed me so I could hear the announcement and it was great to hear the massive cheer when my name was read out. I was a finalist and the winner was Eleanor Robinson Paralympic Gold medallist which was nice. I even got a mention in the booklet on Moulton College’s advert. Mom then had photo taken pretending to be 18 year old me – with Ellie and the three other finalists all under 18!
Read more www.jessicaanderson.co.uk

Molly's Smile Fund
A fitness based action for good, based in the heart of our community
Our aim is to provide an energetic, community enriching cause to fundraise with a fitness theme.
Molly’s Smile Fund is building a legacy powered by our beautiful girl. We have used fitness-based action for good, based in the heart of our community.
Molly’s Smile Fund has delivered creative fundraising through fitness bootcamps and events as well as individual challenges and events.
Click here to read more about the next events and to find out how to sign up.
HLH is a life-threatening condition whereby cells of the immune system, principally T cells and NK cells, don’t work properly to destroy infected or damaged cells as they should. Because of this, the immune system becomes overstimulated and over activated and begins to damage the patient’s own tissues and organs, including the bone marrow, the liver and the brain. HLH can occur for different reasons associated with abnormal function of the immune system. You can learn more about HLH here.
To make a donation to the fund, please visit the Justgiving page. Your contribution is very much appreciated.