Opera 3, Opera SE, infor SunSystems and Infor Q&A innovative finance and reporting solutions
Automate Purchase Invoicing and add control of spend with sophisticated approval workflows
HMRC certified solution. 1 in 20 employees in the UK is paid using Opera Payroll
CIS is a solution designed for the construction industry. Operations is for manuifacturing companies
Opera 3, SAGE, Office, we can host almost any application that you use.
Easy to use with other local apps
Virtualise your whole system, reduce expensive IT Support costs and benefit from the Cloud
Cloud with NVIDIA virtual GPU (vGPU) for 3D engineering and/or design software
We also offer IT Support to Cloud users to help with any software or hardware issues
Opera 3, SE, XRL, CIS & Operations
immediate access to accredited Pegasus personnel

Opera 3, SE, XRL, CIS & Operations
immediate access to accredited Pegasus personnel
Opera 3, SE, XRL, CIS & Operations
immediate access to accredited Pegasus personnel
We provide training courses on Pegasus Opera 3, SE, CIS, Operations and Zahara Procurement software
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Intsys is a Business Software partner focussed on providing & supporting ERP and Cloud Solutions

Migrating your Payroll Software
Intsys UK Ltd Consultancy team can manage the transition of your payroll from any number of applications.
Why now?
With Year-End fast approaching its close, it is the time of year you can start to consider changing your payroll software. April brings with it, not only the onset of a new HMRC payroll year, but also the optimum moment to make the move away from your old payroll package.
Payroll Year End
Year end might feel like the worst time to switch with so many things happening to close down the year but with the advent of Real Time Processing (RTI), the burden at payroll year end should be small. If it isn’t, then you are probably using the wrong software!
Pegasus Opera 3 Payroll
Fully Integrated HMRC accredited Software

Typically the year end closedown procedure in Pegasus Opera 3 Payroll is around 15-20 mins and if your utilising the payroll self service WebXchange, there is no printing of P60s to worry about, everything is securely stored on the web for your employees to download at their leisure.

Year End
At year end there are no cumulative tax and NI worries and as such you can create your payroll from scratch and even recode departments, employees or analysis codes without impacting rolling in year figures.

Easy to use
Pegasus Payroll Software is a fully integrated HMRC accredited payroll and HR solution. The Payroll software is easy to use, easy to install and best of all – it won’t break the bank.

Business Intelligence
With access to state of the art Business Intelligence reporting tools such as Pegasus XRL, and also the innovative Payroll Self Service and Timesheet features built into the Pegasus WebXchange, the Pegasus Payroll proposition is one that should definitely be considered moving into next year Payroll.
Intsys Migration Services
Intsys UK Ltd Consultancy team can manage the transition of your payroll from any number of applications.
To date we have successfully migrated from:

Sage 50/200/KCSPayroll/Snowdrop
Access Dimensions

Iris Exchequer

Intuit Quickbooks

Current Opera User on legacy products?
If you are currently using Pegasus Opera II Payroll this is due for retirement soon. You must think about upgrading to Pegasus Opera 3 and our team can provide a quick and seamless upgrade path unlocking all the benefits of the Opera 3 platform that you have been missing, including and not limited to the following:
Pegasus Scheduler, Pegasus straight to Excel reports, Excel Auto Enrolment Reports, full NOW pension and NEST pension integration, customisable menus, Pegasus shutdown and messaging centres, Web payslips and timesheets, Self Service payroll features.
Ask our team today about migrating or upgrading your payroll and HR software and reap the rewards that using one of the industries most award-winning payroll software can bring.