Opera 3, Opera SE, infor SunSystems and Infor Q&A innovative finance and reporting solutions
Automate Purchase Invoicing and add control of spend with sophisticated approval workflows
HMRC certified solution. 1 in 20 employees in the UK is paid using Opera Payroll
CIS is a solution designed for the construction industry. Operations is for manuifacturing companies
Opera 3, SAGE, Office, we can host almost any application that you use.
Easy to use with other local apps
Virtualise your whole system, reduce expensive IT Support costs and benefit from the Cloud
Cloud with NVIDIA virtual GPU (vGPU) for 3D engineering and/or design software
We also offer IT Support to Cloud users to help with any software or hardware issues
Opera 3, SE, XRL, CIS & Operations
immediate access to accredited Pegasus personnel

Opera 3, SE, XRL, CIS & Operations
immediate access to accredited Pegasus personnel
Opera 3, SE, XRL, CIS & Operations
immediate access to accredited Pegasus personnel
We provide training courses on Pegasus Opera 3, SE, CIS, Operations and Zahara Procurement software
We’d Love to Hear From You, Get In Touch With Us!
All our knowledge at your fingertips.
Accessible 24/7 with exclusive training videos and much more
Intsys is a Business Software partner focussed on providing & supporting ERP and Cloud Solutions

Award Winning Support
Pegasus Software Support
Intsys Support Customers benefit from immediate access to accredited Pegasus personnel, reduced service rates, extensive information via our Support Portal, monthly bulletins and monthly support calls. We adopt a proactive approach to support ensuring you are informed of progress at all times.
From£10per user/month*

*T&Cs Apply
The benefits of a Pegasus Support Agreement with Intsys
Immediate Response
Immediate access to fully accredited Pegasus Opera 3 support specialists.

Support Portal 24/7
A complete archive of Training videos, webinars and help articles organised by module accessible

Multiplatform Support
Designed to ensure our support clients get quick and easy access to our support team via phone, email, portal or chat.

Regular Free Seminars
Free seminars held quarterly at our offices, providing Opera 3 software overviews and enhancements.

Monthly Support Call
Preventative maintenance calls to key users to provide an opportunity to discuss anything related to Software.

Monthly Bulletin
Monthly bulletins highlighting the latest Opera 3 news, reviews and tips and tricks for Pegasus Software.

What our customers
think of our Support?
Satisfaction rate with
overall service
Would recommend to others?
Satisfaction with the response time
Services included in the Agreement
The Intsys Support agreement provides you with immediate access to first line support and advice from our accredited Pegasus Software Support Team.
Extra services
Intsys offer a range of other support services to complement our support agreements
The Intsys Support Agreement

Prioritised Response
All support queries from clients with Pegasus Opera 3 support agreements are prioritised

Free Data Issue Assesment
In the event of data integrity issues such as corruption, Intsys conduct a free assessment of the issue and advise on an appropriate course of action

Remote Support
Our Team using the specialist software Splashtop can take remote control of clients computers to identify and troubleshoot issues

Accredited Training
Specialist training can be supplied by Intsys UK Ltd as an additional service to complement our support service

Document Amendments
Adjustments to existing Opera 3 bespoke document designs completed by Intsys are now optionally included

Payroll Year End Management
We always take a pro-active approach, ensuring that you are ready for Payroll Year end changes as soon as possible

Cloud Solutions
Cloudsis , our Cloud division. have been providing specialist Cloud solutions for SME’s since 2009. We can help you find the best Cloud Solution

3rd Party Software Integration
We are experienced in integration of third party applications into Pegasus
Opera 3

Licence Management
You will receive communication as to when licences are due to expire and instruction on how to relicense your software

Version Release Management
We evaluate when it is appropriate to release new Opera 3 versions to minimise the need for subsequent upgrades to alleviate introduced software faults and reduce costs

Bespoke Products
Intsys can provide bespoke elements to enhance Opera 3. We manage the whole project from the initial specification through to implementation, after-care andupgrade support

Other Services
Design of Opera 3 documents Design of Opera/XRL reports
Data fix
Copy of companies
Import of data

Prioritasied Response
All support queries from clients with Pegasus Opera 3 support agreements are prioritised.

Free Data Issue Assesment
In the event of data integrity issues such as corruption, Intsys conduct a free assessment of the issue and advise on an appropriate course of action.

Remote Support
Our Team using the specialist software TeamViewer can take remote control of clients computers to identify and troubleshoot issues.

Accredited Training
Specialist training can be supplied by Intsys UK Ltd as an additional service to compliment our support service.

Support services included

Full Support
£15 per user*

Email Support
£10 per user**

Multiplatform Support: Email, Phone, Chat & Portal
Charge per ticket
24/7 Access to our Knowledge Database
£15 per user/month
Immediate prioritised response
Access to Training Videos
Pay per view
Access to Tips & Tricks articles
£15 per month
Pegasus Support Escalation
Reduced price
Monthly Support Bulletin
Free Seminars
Licence management
Data Fixes1
Remote Support at discounted rate
Extra services at discounted rate
Document amendments2
Reduced price
Monthly Support Call
Reduced price
3rd Party Integration1
Reduced price
Bespoke Software Advice
Reduced price
Loyalty Annual Rewards3
*Prices calculated based on a 5 user licence with Financials.
**Only available for systems up to 5 users. Excluded systems with DOC MAN, Scheduler based modules, EC VAT or WebXChange
1. Charges may apply
2. Up to 15 min. Then charges may apply
3. Vouchers valid for the following services: Opera/XRL client installs,1h system check up, 1h training, 1h consultancy, 1h document design