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Opera 3 Cloud

Frequent Answered Questions

When you move to Pegasus Business Cloud, you can access a complete business solution online, at the office or on mobile devices.

From£22per user/month*

*T&Cs Apply

What are the benefits of using Pegasus Business Cloud as opposed to purchasing the software and installing it on our own in‐house servers?

There are benefits to both approaches, so the decision has to be made based on the business needs of the customer. The key advantages to using Pegasus Business Cloud are:

  • No upfront software licencing costs

  • No recurring annual maintenance costs

  • No new computer infrastructure

  • No dedicated IT trained staff required

  • Server backup and security are taken care of by the hosting provider

  • Improved cash flow because there is no up‐front capital expenditure, just a monthly operational payment

  • The systems can be easily accessed outside of the office and outside normal business hours

  • Anti‐virus and spam filters are always up‐to‐date


The key advantages to using an on‐premise solution are:

  • Initial investment may be high but may be less over the life cycle of the implementation

  • Company data is stored and handled internally so the company has full control of its security

  • Full control over the infrastructure so it can be optimised to an individual company’s requirements

  • Not dependent on a fast internet connection so will work in all location.

  • Not reliant on a single hosting partner

Pegasus Business Cloud

Business continuity is a key requirement to any company.

What is the resilience of the Pegasus Business Cloud

Pegasus Business Cloud

No hosted service can guarantee a 100% service level because we are dealing with a number of interconnected computer systems and third party suppliers such ISPs (Internet Service Providers). However, up‐time statistics are as follows:


 2011 – 99.995%

 2012 – 99.997%

 2013 – 99.989%

 2014 – 99.990%


Scheduled maintenance of the hosting equipment is planned outside normal working hours and the Partner will be notified in advance. There may be instances where unscheduled maintenance may be required, but this will also be undertaken outside normal working hours and we will endeavour to give Partners advance notice. On the very rare occasions that we need to interrupt the hosting service during working hours, we will endeavour to keep the service disruption to an absolute minimum. This time is called “down time” and our Service Level Agreement details the compensation payments we will make to the Partner in such circumstances. 


According to Dun & Bradstreet, 59% of Fortune 500 companies experience a minimum of 1.6 hours downtime per week, which translates to more than 70 hours a year. In the cloud, if a disruption does occur, redundancy in the form of failover solutions and secure backups, along with highly trained staff, allows cloud providers to get service back up and running quickly.


Anchor 15

Pegasus Business Cloud is a hosted environment into which we have installed Opera 3. As this is a hosted environment running in the loud, a reliable internet connection is a prerequisite. The minimum internet access speed needs to be 1Mbit/second Upload and 1 Mbit/second Download for each user at the location connecting. However, the faster the internet connection the better the customer experience.

What do I need to be able to run Pegasus Business Cloud?

The customer will be using Citrix Receiver to access Pegasus Business Cloud. If the Internet connection is temporarily lost, the customer should log back into Pegasus Business Cloud once the connection has been restored, and they will be returned to the screen they were

previously on.

What happens if I lose my internet connection temporarily?

How do I purchase Opera 3 on Pegasus Business Cloud?

Once a customer has made the decision to order Opera 3 using Pegasus Business Cloud, the Partner follows the usual process of placing an order with Pegasus. Things to consider when placing an order are:


  • The number of users

  • Additional Disk Space

  • Number of MS Office users

  • Opera 3 Applications

  • Number of Opera 3 users

  • Etc


We have prepared a draft Pegasus Business Cloud Agreement which includes the Terms & Conditions that the customer agrees to when using Pegasus Business Cloud. We recommend that Partners adapt and incorporate this into their standard sales order that customers sign. Once the ordering process is complete, Pegasus will initiate the creation of the new hosted virtual server onto which we install an image that contains the operating system, a nonactivated version of Opera 3 and a pre‐licensed copy of Microsoft Office 2013.

Once the server has been commissioned we will forward to the Partner


  • The web address for accessing the hosted server

  • The Opera 3 Activation Key

  • The Customer Login ID and Passwords

  • The Partner Login ID and Password

The customer will need to download the Citrix Receiver client to the device that is being used to access the Pegasus Business Cloud. This is only installed the first time they access the Pegasus Business Cloud. Once it’s installed, the customer needs to log into the Pegasus


Business Cloud service on the following address:


This will prompt the customer to enter their name and password:



How do I access my Opera 3 system?

Pegasus Business Cloud apps
Pegasus Business Cloud gateway

Once they have logged into the system they will be presented with the options that are available to

them, typically:



Selecting the Opera 3 icon will launch the product as if it were installed on the customer’s local server, when in fact it’s running the software over the internet from the hosted server. This means, of course, that it can be accessed from any location that has internet access as opposed to being run from within the office. Pegasus Business Cloud works well on desktop and laptop computers, iPads and tablets.

Because of the screen size on smartphones, these devices are not ideal to display this type of information.


Pegasus Business Cloud

Can I change the password that has been issued by Pegasus?

We provide access to an online utility called Password Attendant. This allows both the customer and the Partner to change their passwords at any time. When you first log in to Pegasus Business Cloud you should use the Password Attendant utility to modify the password issued by Pegasus.


When the Partner has placed an order for Pegasus Business Cloud, does it come fully activated?

When we create a new hosted server we install an image that contains the operating system, Microsoft Office and a non‐activated version of Opera 3. As part of the notification process we will inform the Partner when the hosted server is available and we will provide login information for your customer to use to access the system. We will also provide a Partner login. This allows the Partner to access the Opera 3 system and activate it with the Activation Key provided. This also allows the Partner to install any bespoke that might be required and modify the reports and customer logins, as you would do with any on‐premise installation.


Once you have configured the Opera 3 system you would probably upload the data from the system that is being replaced in preparation for handing over to your customer. When you are ready for your customer to access the system, simply provide them with their login details.


What comes with the system as standard?

When we create a new hosted server, we install an image that contains the operating system, Microsoft Office and a non‐activated version of Opera 3. The server includes:


  • 65GB of space which provides about 20GB of free space

  • 5GB RAM

  • Windows Server 2008 R2/SQL Server 2008 R2

  • MS Office 2013

  • Opera 3/Stocktake/Scheduler/Online Filing Manager/XRL


In the next release of Pegasus Business Cloud, the system will be uplifted to Windows Server 2012/SQL Server 2014.

Please note that Pegasus Dashboards and Pegasus Instant Messenger are not supported in Pegasus Business Cloud.


If you need more disk space, this can be added to your system and the costs will be added to your monthly charge. Disk space is provided in blocks of 10GB. It’s also possible to add additional RAM, possibly required if you have bespoke deployed or are running other third party software. This is provided in blocks of 2GB.


What if I need more disk space?

Opera 3 and Microsoft Office comes pre‐installed with Pegasus Business Cloud. Can my

Partner install other software onto the hosted server?

Pegasus Business Cloud

Yes. The Partner is given a login that has Administrator rights and desktop access to the hosted server. This means that the Partner can install other products. It’s likely, however, that the Partner will mainly install bespoke changes to the Opera 3 system.


If you do install other products, you need to be aware that you might need additional disk space on the server and possibly an increase in RAM, both of which are chargeable as part of the monthly hosting charge.


You may also have additional users logging into the system, over and above those that are logging into Opera 3. Again, there is a charge for these additional users.


It is worth mentioning that when a customer orders a 5‐user Opera 3 system we actually provide 7 Citrix Receiver user logins to the hosted server. Opera 3 allows you to set up as many users as you like, but in a 5‐user system only 5 users can log in at any one time. By providing 2 additional Citrix Receiver logins to the hosted server, 2 extra users can log in provided that the total number of concurrent users on the server is not exceeded.


 The customer or the Partner should not install any anti‐virus or firewall software. This is all handled in the background within the Pegasus Business Cloud system.


Can I protect the system by installing my own anti‐virus software?

We believe it’s critical for customers to continue to run Opera 3 back‐ups because this places restoring their data under their control. There is a cost to running a Pegasus Business Cloud data restore, so if customers perform their own Opera 3 back‐ups, they can restore at any time, and of course there’s no charge for running these restores. We would suggest that the customer uses the Scheduler to create a daily back‐up task to ensure the back‐ups always occur at a planned time.


We also recommend that back‐ups are copied from the hosted server down to the local drives in order to optimise space usage on the host server. They should also be included in the standard back‐up from these local drives. The customer should take ownership of managing their own data back‐ups by utilising the Opera 3 back‐up facilities.


I understand that Pegasus Business Cloud is backed up regularly; does this mean that I

don’t need to continue to use the Opera 3 Backup Utility?

Once I am up and running can I add more users to the system?

Of course. A customer would simply request this from their Partner and the Partner will provide the customer with a new order to sign. You can add more Opera 3 users, provide MS Office to users that don’t currently have access to it, and add more Opera 3 applications.

We’ll provide these to the Partner with the relevant activation keys and adjust the monthly payment accordingly.


Can I see Pegasus Business Cloud working before I decide to place an order?

The Pegasus Partner has access to their own Opera 3 demo company running in the Pegasus Business Cloud environment. This means that they can demonstrate how it works, the speed of the connection and how it interacts with local devices such as a printer.

We have also configured a number of hosted servers that will allow the Partner full access to Opera 3 in Pegasus Business Cloud. This will allow the Partner to evaluate this environment and perform tasks such as installing bespoke applications or loading customer data to satisfy themselves that it works exactly as they would expect.


Where is my data stored?

Pegasus Business Cloud uses two UK‐based data centres: the primary data centre is located in Croydon, Surrey, while the back‐up data centre is located in Maidenhead, Berkshire.

Our hosting Partner holds the following Accreditations:‐


  • ISO 9001 / Quality Accreditation that covers all the procedures and processes followed by the company

  • ISO 27001 / Information Security Accreditation that covers Information Management, encompassing all personnel and business processes

  • ISO 14001 / Environmental Management Accreditation designed to reduce the environmental impact of their data centres


How much does Pegasus Business Cloud cost?

The Partner has a price list to use in order to provide a quote. The pricing depends on the Opera 3 applications being ordered, the number of users that will be accessing Opera 3 and how many of the users require access to MS Office.

The key point is that there maintenance costs and no new hardware required. Running costs are rolled up into a simple monthly fee for using the hosting service.are no upfront software licensing costs or recurring annual 

Customers have to sign up for an initial period of twelve months, after which they can give three months’ written notice if they wish to stop using the service. Pegasus Business Cloud is quick and simple to set up, and easy to use from anywhere with an internet connection.


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