Opera 3, Opera SE, infor SunSystems and Infor Q&A innovative finance and reporting solutions
Automate Purchase Invoicing and add control of spend with sophisticated approval workflows
HMRC certified solution. 1 in 20 employees in the UK is paid using Opera Payroll
CIS is a solution designed for the construction industry. Operations is for manuifacturing companies
Opera 3, SAGE, Office, we can host almost any application that you use.
Easy to use with other local apps
Virtualise your whole system, reduce expensive IT Support costs and benefit from the Cloud
Cloud with NVIDIA virtual GPU (vGPU) for 3D engineering and/or design software
We also offer IT Support to Cloud users to help with any software or hardware issues
Opera 3, SE, XRL, CIS & Operations
immediate access to accredited Pegasus personnel

Opera 3, SE, XRL, CIS & Operations
immediate access to accredited Pegasus personnel
Opera 3, SE, XRL, CIS & Operations
immediate access to accredited Pegasus personnel
We provide training courses on Pegasus Opera 3, SE, CIS, Operations and Zahara Procurement software
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Intsys is a Business Software partner focussed on providing & supporting ERP and Cloud Solutions

Provider of commercial cleaning services
Pegasus Business Cloud with Financials, SCM, Payroll & HR and XRL

GRA Limited
Management of multiple sport venues for greyhound racing
Pegasus Business Cloud with Financials, Payroll & HR and XRL

Seeing results
“Our business is highly complex and issues such as compliance and traceability are very high on the management agenda,” comments Susan Moore, Company Secretary and Director.
“Through switching to Opera 3 Pegasus Business Cloud, not only do we benefit from Opera 3’s core features such as brilliant, detailed reporting, and live visibility of stock which has eliminated our need to shut down production for an annual stock-take. We now have greater visibility of our costs, reduced risk as we no longer have responsibility for maintaining our own servers, and upgrades are undertaken seamlessly which means we can dedicate even more time to growing the business. The ability for staff to access the system remotely is also a huge benefit, enabling greater flexibility. Looking ahead, we plan to utilise more functionality within the CRM capabilities of Opera 3 to enhance our customer service and profitability, and truly maximise the value that Opera 3 can offer.”
Meeting the challenge
With a complex product range which spans mass-market solutions, such as sandwich packaging, through to made-to-order products, A. Warne is subject to stringent traceability guidelines, regulatory frameworks and accreditations.
As an SME, it requires a system to support these requirements in order that the management team can focus on growing the business.
While their existing Opera 3 solution addressed these challenges, the management team felt that shifting to a cloud-based approach would reduce risk even further, as well as improve visibility and cut costs.
Company A Warne
Industry Manufacturer of polyester and plastic products
Solution Pegasus Business Cloud with Financials, CRM, Supply Chain Management and Pegasus XRL reporting
Contract Cleaning and Facilities (CCF)
Seeing results
Pegasus Business Cloud is helping the company to lower overheads and the total cost of ownership, reduce the risk associated with running its own servers, and facilitate greater flexibility.
Pegasus XRL reporting will also improve decision-making by harnessing information and presenting it in real time, in a common format. David King, CCF Managing Director, comments: “As a services business, we are incredibly customerfocused and in order to maintain that focus, we rely on systems to manage all of our processes efficiently and effectively. It’s incredibly intuitive and easy to use, and having this as our core business system essentially means that we can devote even more time to our customers, as we no longer have to worry about servers going down, managing upgrades or maintenance; that’s all taken care of for us, therefore representing a win-win all round.”

Meeting the challenge
Having worked with Opera 3 for many years, Contract Cleaning & Facilities (CCF) moved to Pegasus Business Cloud in order to capitalise on cost savings and reduced risk.
As a service-led business, CCF relies upon a robust, reliable business system to support all of its processes so that the management team can focus on meeting customer needs and steering the business forward.
While their existing Opera 3 solution supported their needs, Pegasus Business Cloud was a compelling alternative as it stood to reduce their total cost of ownership and remove both the stress and the cost of owning and managing their own servers. As part of the move, CCF also deployed the CRM capabilities of Opera 3 to replace a legacy system which the company had outgrown.
Company Contract Cleaning and Facilites (CCF)
Industry Provider of commercial cleaning services
Solution Pegasus Business Cloud with Financials, Supply Chain Management, Payroll & HR and Pegasus XRL for 5 users
Seeing results
Opera 3 Pegasus Business Cloud has helped GRA to improve profitability and boost competitiveness through enhanced cash flow, improved management information and efficiencies. Through using Pegasus Business Cloud, GRA will benefit from reduced total cost of ownership (TCO), faster systems and greater scalability as the company expands its existing customer base.
“We operate in a highly competitive marketplace as we compete with a plethora of leisure providers such as restaurants, casinos, cinemas and football stadiums. In order to increase market share, we need robust systems which enable us to be proactive in all areas of our business, from sending out promotions to controlling our costs,” comments GRA Director Mike Stapley.
“Opera 3 really is the backbone of our business as it offers the flexibility and integrity to enable us to do just that – and through deploying Opera 3
in the Cloud, we are set to derive additional benefits in terms of cost
savings, responsiveness and scalability.”
Meeting the challenge
GRA Limited operates four greyhound stadiums throughout the UK. Following the management’s acquisition of the business in July 2013, GRA embarked upon a strategy focused on replacing their on-premise hardware and software with cloud-based systems for the 10 financial users across the business.
The drivers for this decision were three-fold: Firstly, its servers were becoming slow, and the cost of replacing them was prohibitive. Secondly, the team wanted to focus on driving the business forward safe in the knowledge that a third party was responsible for maintenance and upgrades of its business systems. And thirdly, the lower TCO and greater predictability of
costs was attractive in managing growth.
Company GRA Ltd.
Industry Leisure
Solution Pegasus Business Cloud with Financials, Payroll & HR and Pegasus XRL
GRA Limited

Financials are at the core of any business, and Opera 3 has been developed to bring clarity and understanding to those financials. Opera 3 tracks revenue and payments; brings visibility to cash flow; helps understand profit generation; and gives the ability to output reports directly to Excel®.

Supply Chain Management
Opera 3 is a powerful tool for retaining customer loyalty and increasing levels of customer satisfaction by enabling you to respond quickly and efficiently to customers’ demands. It has been developed to integrate sales orders, purchasing and stock with the relevant financial information, and automate the delivery of your customers’ orders.

Business Intelligence
Award-winning Pegasus XRL links Microsoft Excel® with Opera 3, enabling you to export live financial data into a spreadsheet so that you can view and manipulate complex reports in a familiar environment. You save a vast amount of time and avoid the input errors common in manual data entry.

Payroll & HR
Enjoy the many features of our awardwinning Opera 3 Payroll & HR to save you time and effort. Finalists in the 2014 Payroll World Awards, Opera 3 Payroll & HR has HMRC PAYE and RTI Recognition and fully caters for the submission of Real Time information and auto enrolment of pensions.