Every company has a profile record which stores the company name and address details as used by certain reports and documents produced from the system.
If you want to find the path where your data is saved you have to go to:
Administration>System>Maintenance>Company profile
In the data path you can find the drive and folder location of the data files of the company. Your data is usually located in:
\\your server \O3 Server VFP\Data
When you use the Create BACS File command Opera creates a file for transmission via BACS software. This file is located in \\your server \O3 Server VFP\Data\company
If you produce a new BACS file before the transmission of the previous file, Opera will not remove the old file but this will be renamed including a number which starts with the date when it has been renamed.
e.g. z_plbacs17092013173139.out
2. BACS FILES in Payroll
When you use the Produce & List BACS command Opera creates a file for transmission via BACS software. This file is located in \\your server \O3 Server VFP\Data\company. The name of the file is compounded by the letter of the company and _WGBACS
Once the BACS file is created, payments in the file cannot be removed or modified in the application. If you need to remove or amend payments, do so in your banking software before the file is sent to the bank. If you produce a new BACS file before the transmission of the previous file, Opera will remove the old file.
3. Full Payment Submission
When you create your FPS file it is saved in the [...]
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