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Additional Statutory Paternity Pay will be replaced by Shared Parental Pay

Intsys Support

Payments & Deductions

ShPP payments are entered on the Payments & Deductions form (accessed from the Payroll - Processing form). You can enter both ShPP permanent and temporary values in the Perm Value and Temp Value columns on the form, even if you use the ‘Full ASPP Processing’ feature. This means that if ShPP will be paid for more than one week the value can be entered once, rather than separately each week that ShPP will be paid. Previously only temporary values could be entered for SPP payments if ‘Full ASPP Processing’ was used.


Payments & Deductions form

ShPP paid will be included in the FPS each time it is paid, along with the employees’ partners name and national insurance number, if available.

ShPP Partner Details

A new form called ShPP Partner Details has been added to the Statutory Payments menu (accessed from the Payroll – Processing form). Details entered here will be included in the FPS for employees who are paid ShPP.



Note: This applies to ShPP paid for both new births and adoptions.

Payment Profiles

Wherever ASPP Birth and ASPP Adopt were mentioned in the software, this has now been changed to ASPP/ShPP Birth and ASPP/ShPP Adopt in the 2015-16 tax year. This applies throughout both the Payroll and Personnel applications, an example being the Payment Profiles form (accessed from the Payroll - Maintenance menu).


Option ‘J’ now used for ASPP and ShPP

New Warning Messages

If due dates on or after 5 April 2015 are entered on the ASPP (Birth) form (accessed from the Payroll - Processing form), this message will be displayed.


New warning message

If placement dates on or after 5 April 2015 are entered on the ASPP (Adopt) form (accessed from the Payroll - Processing form), this message will be displayed.


New warning message

Tip: To manage the record keeping requirements of Shared Parental Leave, use the Pegasus Document Management application to archive official HMRC documents.

Disclaimer: This document is intended to provide general advice and has been prepared as a guide only. It is the user’s responsibility to decide how they want to proceed with the information given. Intsys UK Ltd accepts no responsibility for any errors, omissions, or misleading statements on these pages.

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