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How to set the Allowance for the Apprenticeship Levy in Payroll

In April 2017, the government introduced new rules for how apprenticeships would be funded in the UK.

All companies with a paybill of over 3 million pound annually would be liable to pay new 0.5% levy. This levy payment is to be made monthly and submitted as part of the EPS submission each month. Companies are awarded a £15,000 allowance toward the cost of this which can be spread across any of the PAYE schemes in their group.

So if a company has three PAYE schemes they can choose to have an equal split of allowance across all three or use all of the allowance on one set of data and none on the others.

Because there is choice involved it is up to the user to enter this information into Opera 3 under the Payroll>Utilities>PAYE/Stat. Payments option.

*Please note - you will only see the Apprenticeship Levy box in Table 2 which starts from April 6th.

**It is also worth noting that you are reminded on this screen that you are able to claim up to £3000 in Annual Employers NI relief. Please refer to the video or help guide in the Pegasus Support Portal.

Calculating the levy due to be paid to the revenue is done automatically by Pegasus Opera 3 but you must follow the procedures carefully which are different from in previous years.

After completing the entry of your payroll as normal you must head to the p32 Summary screen which will have a new option in the Action menu called “Apprenticeship Levy”.

By selecting this option the system will now calculate the amount due and show you the detail behind that figure:

In the above example the amount in Month 1 if repeated over a 12 month cycle would not exceed the 3 million pound threshold and therefore there is no Levy due at this time.

This is also reflected in a new column on the P32 Summary:

You will also see that there has been an additional section added to the Employer Payment Submission (EPS) to reflect any Levy [...]

You can find the full version of this article in our Support Portal. Click here.

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