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Pegasus Web Xchange Timesheets

Summer Sale
Empower employees and ease the burden of the Payroll Team
With Opera 3 and Pegasus Web Xchange, completing and submitting timesheets, whether remotely or in the office, is now at your employees’ fingertips.
Integrating with Opera 3 Payroll & HR, Timesheets via Pegasus Web Xchange allows employees to enter their timesheets from any location that has internet access, using their device of choice. Office-based staff can equally use this simple and highly accessible timesheet recording system to manage their time and activities efficiently.
With a timesheet entry facility that’s integral to Opera 3, there’s no more need for the payroll team to import numerous timesheets in spreadsheet format every time they perform a payroll run. Consequently, admin time and the possibility of error are significantly reduced.
Employees don’t need to be users of Opera 3 to use Timesheets. They simply log into the Timesheets service, complete their details and submit. The timesheets are then forwarded to their manager, who can approve or reject them. The manager can add notes to rejected timesheets, and these are then returned to the employee for amendment and re-submission. Once approved, timesheets can be imported to Opera 3 Payroll for inclusion in the next payroll run.
For added flexibility, any employee can be defined as “No Payroll Update”, which means that they can enter timesheets but these will not be transferred to Opera 3 Payroll. This is useful if the employee is salaried and does not get paid based on hours worked, or is a contracted employee.
How it works?
With Timesheets, managers set up tasks and employees record their hours worked against any of these tasks. Tasks can be project-related, or non-project related such as holiday or sickness, providing a complete time record for each employee.
Timesheets can also cater for time entry against a shift that might include overtime or unsociable hours payments; these can be reported on and can be posted to Opera 3 Payroll.
Employees can partially complete their timesheets and save them for completion later, ideal for recording daily times and submitting them to their manager at the end of the week. And for workers who have similar work patterns every week, the timesheet can be pre-populated with their usual activities for additional speed and convenience.
Timesheets also offers reporting and analysis functionality. Time recorded by employees can be analysed by project, task type, date and worker. All this information can also be exported to Excel for further analysis.

Key features
Integration with Opera 3 Payroll
Employees have secure access to enter and review timesheets remotely using PCs, laptops, tablets and smartphones
Employees don’t need to be users of Opera 3 to use the Timesheets service
Create Projects and Tasks against which time can be posted
Non-project time, such as holidays, can also be posted
Partially complete timesheets can be saved and amended later
Time can be posted against overtime and unsociable hours in order for the correct payments to to be calculated
Timesheets can be pre-populated with the employee’s usual activities
Handles timesheets for subcontractors that are not paid via the payroll
Awaiting Approval timesheet list for Managers
Timesheet Managers, as well as Payroll Administrators, can approve or reject timesheets
Rejected timesheets can be amended by the employee and re-submitted
Bulk e-mailing to employees
Pegasus Web Xchange is a secure and easy way to access your Opera 3 data on the go:
any time, anywhere and on a number of mobile devices. It will change the way you work and run your business.
Using browser-based technology, Pegasus Web Xchange provides a set of services that are used to securely access and view Opera 3 data via a web browser. Users can log in from a range of devices via web browsers such as Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Safari for iOS.

"Our recent deployment of Pegasus Web Xchange is already helping us to remove lots of manual processes and administration from our payroll function”
Jakki Hill, Payroll Manager